Transportme and School Bus Forms

Please see here for terms and conditions for our Transportme Smartcards.

Read the criteria below to see if you are eligible for Government Assistance with your travel to school. If this applies to you, please apply online HERE or print out the appropriate form by clicking the link or image, sign it and return it to our office.

Should you require any assistance or have questions about the below forms, please contact our office at [email protected]

Bus Travel Assistance (BTA) Application                 

Complete this form if this describes your situation: 

  1. PRIMARY SCHOOL – You must live more than 3.2km by the shortest trafficable route from the nearest state primary school. Non-state primary students must live more than 3.2km from both the nearest state school and the non-state school they attend.
  2. SECONDARY SCHOOL – You must live more than 4.8km by the shortest trafficable route from the nearest state secondary school. Non-state secondary students must live more than 4.8km from both the nearest state school and the non-state school they attend.
  3. To determine the correct distance you live from the school please refer to the maps issued by the Department of Transport and Main Roads located in our office.
  4. In some circumstances, students who do not attend their nearest state school may still be eligible to receive travel assistance based on the distance to the nearest state school. However, you may need to pay for any excess fares to the school you attend.
  5. Students from overseas, interstate or on student exchange programs are not eligible to receive transport assistance.
  6. Travel assistance is only available from one address and to one school. This address must be the principal place of residence of the student’s parent or guardian. For students under shared guardianship, parents must decide from which address they will apply for assistance.

Non State School Transport Assistance Scheme

Providing financial assistance for families transporting student to non-state schools in Queensland. Students attending a Non-State school and paying fares for school bus travel may be eligible for further travel assistance. Please see or call 3316 5858.


Safety-Net (SN) Application

Complete this form if this describes your situation:

  1. You are not eligible according to the criteria for Bus Travel Assistance, as stated above, because you live under the 3.2 klms for Primary and 4.8 klms for Secondary Students, BUT:
  2. You are listed as a dependant on your Parent’s/Guardian’s Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card or Department of Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card. OR;
  3. You have one of the above cards issued in your own name, OR:
  4. You are under a Child Protection Order.
  5. You must not be in receipt of any other assistance from the School Transport Assistance Scheme.
  6. Students from overseas, interstate or on student exchange programs are not eligible to receive any transport assistance.
  7. Travel assistance is only available from one address and to one school facility. This address must be the principal place of residence of the student’s parent or guardian. For students under shared guardianship, parents must decide from which address they will apply for assistance.